Sunday, 27 December 2020



the holidays make my spirit happy.  

the smells, the lights, the cozy, the warm, sippable beverages, the harry connick, jr. crooning that I really could listen to all year long but for some reason I often forget about until december arrives...

I put up my tree over thanksgiving weekend, breaking my rule I have held fervently to from my childhood of "only after december 2nd", my brother's birthday. we were always mindful to celebrate him and then move forward to Christmas. I like traditions immensely and I am deeply fond of him, but since we no longer share a house, I confess I often fudge this previous guideline.

even though I am an independent personality who often luxuriates within and longs for being on my own, my ultimate desire is to be alongside and with others.
not a large number of people all at once, but with one, two, or small groups, yes.  

my creativity, my ingenuity, my humour, my enjoyment, my eyes...all come alive in the midst of my people.  

there is something about this time of year that places priority on being in community with people who you value and genuinely enjoy living life alongside.  

this year is different for many of us...what an "up is down and down is up" sort of year it continues to be.  these holidays have me on my own in my cozy apartment thinking of those I love who are all in different parts of the world.  thankfully we are all well and are doing our best to stay connected in virtual ways.  

love is a gift.
love is a choice.

I don't know about you, but sometimes I get a bit greedy.  
I want to be "with" more than is feasible for our necessary schedules and life happenings.  
at these moments, reminders of what I believe about love thankfully come to the surface of my heart which feels quite dramatically like it is struggling to keep its proverbial head above water some days.

love is a gift.
the best gifts are given as surprises from one to the other in a way that demonstrates the knowledge we have of said loved one.  

we wrap the present thinking things like... 
"I cannot WAIT for this person to open this!"  
and when that happens, when the person opens that t-shirt or that personalised token...oh my goodness!  the gift is in the giving for me so often.  the look on the receiver's face! makes me smile thinking of it at this very moment.  

the best gifts are given as surprises...
we do not expect them.  
we are often caught off guard by them.  
they brighten our eyes and fill our hearts with joy.  

love of one another is an ongoing gift.  
it is not a package wrapped up.  
it is not about a certain day of the year.

it is about presence.
and it may be the sweetest gift of all to experience someone present with you and you with them.

how blessed I have been throughout my life to have such sweet depth of connection with others who I love deeply and who love me in return.  so many moments in community which create stories to tell. 

I think the absence of those one loves quite simply and deeply hurts. (full stop) 

this year continues to plod along (and zip by at the same moment) with what seems to be unending feelings of loss.
a season of our lives with an unyielding strength that is confounding, immense, and excessive. 
je n'aime pas du tout. (I don't like it at all.)

within this odd season, many blessings have emerged, of course, as beauty always surfaces even in the midst of ashes.  I would imagine you can name many in your own life as I can in mine.

overall, the one thing which remains is love.
toujours. (always.)

so may we strive to find and to foster the love in our lives in any and all the ways we can do in this season being grateful for every moment which we are given...
humans beings are wildly creative creatures.  how amazing are the ways we are finding to keep being present with one another! 
I think human connection is a deeply determined concept.  
we all instinctively know its necessity and we will continue create it even in this chaos.

may 2021 bring us a new, brighter light of hope!  


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