Sunday, 6 October 2013

rain on my shoulder...

a rainy autumn sunday afternoon.
yes, I just drank a cuppa...
and am now contemplating how to find an outlet to exercise creativity, as this sort of weather takes me a place of
less stressful,
in my spirit.

truth that comes to mind at the moment:

one thessalonians 5. 16-18...
[have joy] in your faith at all times.  
never stop praying.  
be thankful, 
whatever your circumstances may be.  
if you follow this advice, 
you will be working out the will of God 
expressed to you in Jesus Christ.
(j.b. phillips and [kym])

psalm 24.10...
He says, 
'be still 
and know that 
I am God...'

john 15.4...
live in me.  
make your home in me 
just as I do in you.  
in the same way that a branch can't bear grapes by itself 
but only by being joined to the vine, 
you can't bear fruit unless 
you are joined with me.
(the message)

may your sunday be filled with peace.
peace beyond your ability to explain.
and, if life feels unsolved,
may these words encourage you as they alway have done for me...

be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart 
and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms
and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue.  
do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you
because you would not be able to live them.
and the point is,
to live everything.
live the questions now.
perhaps you will then gradually, 
without noticing it, 
live along some distant day into the answer.

~rainer maria rilke
(letters to a young poet)

oh, my friend, court, sent me some pictures this morning from my st. john's wood starbucks.
made my heart happy!
I know...
they look like normal life happening on my old corner.
nothing spectacular?
I beg to differ.

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