Monday, 15 April 2013

{via pinterest}

the sun is shining.
my living room window is ajar to allow for a breeze to drift inward.
I am wearing a sweatshirt, jeans, and sit barefoot.
the red sox are on telly.
just finished my dunkin' coffee with skim.
my headache from earlier in the day that this season seems to bring often feels better.

this weekend I rearranged my room and cleared out clothes I never wear anymore.
I am deeply influenced by my surroundings.
cluttered space equals cluttered brain, for me.  (just ask anyone who ever entered into my office at tw.)
needed to eliminate some dust and simplify.
felt compelled to make my nest more functional and less fashionable, meaning stacking my books in a way that allows me to grab one off the shelf to actually read and study, not simply look decorative.  because, NEWS FLASH, if they are not easily accessible, I well... do not access them.

so, my life is steadily simplifying in the world of work, bit by bit (not an overnight change), as transition, by definition is a process.
the move from chaotic, staccato to a rhythm that allows for rests...lovely.
the picture of this girl always makes me smile.  I would wear this look everyday and be completely content.  just thought I would share it.

I love to read.  always have. 
reading is one of those litmus test's in my life, I think.  like writing thank you notes.  
if I am thanking people and reading books, all is closer to as it should be in my spirit.  
stacking my books in a different way yesterday moves me closer to health.  

happy patriots day. 


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