Sunday, 7 April 2013

tomorrow is opening day at fenway.  today we are having some friends over with their kids to begin what their family is calling the 'summer of sox'.  it is time the kids learn the magic of baseball and specifically the love of the red sox.  so, stacey is currently making visual aids (a depth chart that should be laminated and used by john farrell himself in his dugout chats with the team.

just as I was moving from colorado to boston, a friend and I were doing some thrifting, like I do, and what did I happen upon, giving me yet another indication that I was making proper plans for my next move?

so, I am ready for the season.
dandy, I don't know if you still read this from time to time, but what I wouldn't give to still have that worn in sox hat of yours.  though I love this one, there is nothing like a beaten up cap, as we well know.

and with that...


happy weekend!

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