Saturday, 10 December 2005

Hi there all. I have been confined in my house the past few days battling a viscious case of tonsilitus. I don't remember the last time I have slept more. It is a very good thing that this new couch that Janell, my roommate, bought is comfortable. A forced vacation I have been given. I am beginning to surface out of the body aches, the throat swollenness, and the headache. I don't know if you have ever dealt with strep throat, but if you ever hear of someone having it...stay away! It is is not fun, not a bit. I am thankful that it is not the flu, which from what I have been told, not ever having experienced it first hand, feels somewhat similar. Thankfully, strep can be treated with an antibiotic and ousted unlike the flu that just has to be weathered.
My sickness has slowed me a bit since Wednesday, and I plan to stay in through the weekend to rest my ailing self. My fund raising is plugging along, and I am thankful. I am hoping the finish the year strong in that regard. I am truly looking forward to my trip to Colorado the first week of January for further YL training entitled Cross Cultural Orientation. I also look forward to cutting back on my preschool job in the very near future which will give a break from a very full schedule of teaching and will enable me to have more time to raise funds.
Good things are happening, friends. You all are so helpful and supportive, and I continue to be encouraged. Pray for the Lord's timing and provision, if you would.
Happy Holidays!! I love this time of year. We actually got some snow the other day! Lights are up. We got a real Christmas tree! (I have never had a real one, only artificial.) I get to wear boots and scarfs. All is right with the world. I hope to get shopping this week which will really make it feel more like the holidays! I hope this season is shaping up to be a blessed one for all of you, as well!

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