A friend just wrote to ask me to update and I am obliged to comply to her request. My daily schedule has not changed since I last wrote. I am teaching preschoolers in the a.m., helping coach softball a bit in the p.m, and meeting with friends to share my London vision in the inbetween times and evenings. My meetings and phone calls continue to bless me.
Though my schedule is still fairly consistent, the Lord is using this time to teach me many new, important lessons and insights these days.
2 Corinthians 5.17...
"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
On a walk around the University of Arkansas campus, which is very near my apartment, the other day this verse came to life for me in a very real way. I beg your forgiveness as it may take some lengthy description for you to get into my head and understand my thoughts fully. (Disclaimer...I have just finished reading "Pride and Prejudice" in anticipation of the release of the new movie on the 23rd. So, my writing could hold a bit of formality as I write today.)
I have added a new "life word" to my list...STEP. One of my favourite quotes from Ken Gire is "faith is in our feet". I believe deeply this statement to be true. I was struck on my long walk that day that perhaps I should read/think through this sentence again. I think of walking, which in fact is a bit advanced for me right now... a bit too far along in the process. I have to take a STEP to begin a journey of faith. I saw this revelation brought to life as I thought how infrequently I take walks even though they never cease to refresh my soul. My thoughts soon went to any measure of other events in my life that required risky moves and faith-filled experiences...all beginning with a STEP. It is at this point that the Lord brought 2 Corinthians to mind. I realized that the "old", my tendency toward laziness and playing it safe (my default), "is gone". The "new", the Spirit, has now "come" to live in me, giving courage and prompting to take STEPS toward unknown, enriching, challenging endeavors. I share this to give a window into the Lord's work as he imparts upon me the realization that it is him who allows and enables me to take each STEP. The control lies not with me but with him.
Friends, I continue to be overwhelmed and awestruck by how intimate the Lord knows me if only I will take the time to listen and observe. This time of getting ready to go but not being ready yet is and interesting one. I must say that I am seeing the purpose for this limboesque time. I ask for your prayers when you think of me...for patience, contentment, and obedience.