Thursday, 16 February 2012

how beautiful is this image?  standing still, or perhaps we could say 'ceasing to strive', and allowing...
yes, letting the present be the present.  taking it all in.  (psalm 46.10)

today I reconnected with a friend from a few years back.  a friend I spent only a bit of time with here and there over a couple of summers.  she shared with me a snapshot of her life in recent days, and her story told of interwoven, intentional moments both within her heart, desires being revealed, and moments encountered externally through conversations with those around her.  all of these afore mentioned seemingly random tidbits have been pieced together, on purpose, to show her a next step.  specifically, a summer in colorado for my friend!
as we chatted on the phone, I was overwhelmed with thankfulness to hear and be reminded that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose"(rom. 8.28)...even when we are unaware.  I was certainly in the dark about how the Lord had gone before me to prepare my friend for my simple ask to be in colorado this summer to do a bit of videography.  

honestly, I feel like most of the time we are blissfully unaware.  a blessing to be sure, as I am certain pride would rear its head in ugly ways.
the first few words of that verse above are, "and we know".  oh how often I forget.
may there be more days that "I know"...that I root into and anchor onto that utter truth of God's perspective, hand, and overwhelming goodness.
don't believe the "random".

Thursday, 9 February 2012

"with the goodness of God to desire our highest welfare, 
the wisdom of God to plan it, 
and the power of God to achieve it, 
what do we lack?
surely, we are the most favoured of all creatures."
a.w. tozer.